Friday, January 3, 2020

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In other words, is the same as ECHO OFF applied to the current line only. Normally a Windows command is executed and takes effect from the next line onward, but @ is a rare example of a command that takes effect immediately. It is most commonly used in the form @echo off which not only switches off echoing but prevents the command line itself from being echoed.

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The proponents of gender-inclusive language would replace it with amig@s in these latter two cases, and use amigos only when the group referred to is all-male and amigas only when the group is all female. In DIGITAL Command Language, the @ character was the command used to execute a command procedure. To run the command procedure VMSINSTAL.COM, one would type @VMSINSTAL at the command prompt. In C#, it denotes "verbatim strings", where no characters are escaped and two double-quote characters represent a single double-quote.


Annotations tell the compiler to apply special semantics to the declaration like keywords, without adding keywords to the language. In Python 2.4 and up, it is used to decorate a function . In Python 3.5 and up, it is also used as an overloadable matrix multiplication operator.

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This practice, known as address munging, makes the email addresses less vulnerable to spam programs that scan the internet for them. Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. Hold down the shift key, otherwise you will type an inverted comma instead of an 'at' sign. More examples There was a chorus of disapproval at his words.

Commercial usage

As a prefix it also allows keywords to be used as identifiers, a form of stropping. On some social media platforms and forums, usernames may be prefixed with an @ (in the form @johndoe); this type of username is frequently referred to as a "handle". @ symbol used as the initial "a" for the "amin" formula in the Bulgarian of the Manasses Chronicle, c. A symbol that is used in email addresses to link a username to a domain name, used at the beginning of Twitter handles, and in other identifying designations on the internet. Enjoy the flexibility of a Prepaid plan - no annual contract and no credit check. All unlimited plans include AT&T 5G and unlimited talk, text, and data.

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In Icelandic, it is referred to as atmerkið ("the at sign") or hjá, which is a direct translation of the English word at. In the Koalib language of Sudan, @ is used as a letter in Arabic loanwords. The Unicode Consortium rejected a proposal to encode it separately as a letter in Unicode. SIL International uses Private Use Area code points U+F247 and U+F248 for lowercase and capital versions, although they have marked this PUA representation as deprecated since September 2014.

Word Origin for at

In Czech it is called zavináč, which means 'rollmops'; the same word is used in Slovak. Are not used to denote the symbol, except seldom the latter words regionally. In assembly language, @ is sometimes used as a dereference operator. To show the word "HELLO" in line 1, column 1.In FoxPro/Visual FoxPro, it is also used to indicate explicit pass by reference of variables when calling procedures or functions . In Swift, @ prefixes "annotations" that can be applied to classes or members.

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In PHP, it is used just before an expression to make the interpreter suppress errors that would be generated from that expression. In modal logic, specifically when representing possible worlds, @ is sometimes used as a logical symbol to denote the actual world (the world we are "at"). On web pages, organizations often obscure the email addresses of their members or employees by omitting the @.

Example Sentences

A common contemporary use of @ is in email addresses , as in (the user jdoe located at the domain Ray Tomlinson of BBN Technologies is credited for having introduced this usage in 1971. More examples Granddad wrote 'at' in the address instead of the @ symbol - that's why it didn't work. In Spanish, where many words end in "-o" when in the masculine gender and end "-a" in the feminine, @ is sometimes used as a gender-neutral substitute for the default "o" ending. For example, the word amigos traditionally represents not only male friends, but also a mixed group, or where the genders are not known.

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The symbol was added in 2004 for use with email addresses, the only official change to Morse code since World War I. It is also commonly used to abbreviate atau which means 'or', 'either'. In Indian English, speakers often say at the rate of (with e-mail addresses quoted as "example at the rate of").

How to use at in a sentence

To A particle used to mark the following verb as an infinitive. Other global taboos, such as sex and suicide, manifest themselves widely online, with websites offering suicide guides and Hot XXX Action seconds away at the click of a button. The UK government will come under pressure to block access to pornographic websites this year when a committee of MPs publishes its report on protecting children online. Germans, Poles, and South Africans call @ “monkey’s tail” in each different language.

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In Objective-C, @ is prefixed to language-specific keywords such as @implementation and to form string literals. In Forth, it is used to fetch values from the address on the top of the stack. In the ASP.NET MVC Razor template markup syntax, the @ character denotes the start of code statement blocks or the start of text content. In American English the @ can be used to add information about a sporting event. Where opposing sports teams have their names separated by a "v" , the away team can be written first – and the normal "v" replaced with @ to convey at which team's home field the game will be played.

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